Thank you for your interest in the Monroe County Climate Action Plan Ideas Wall!
The purpose of this interactive page is to provide a space for sharing ideas and discussion around climate change and climate action in Monroe County.
By participating in this activity, users are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
Monroe County has granted the project consultant team permission to maintain and monitor this page in accordance with the above.
Monroe County Climate Action Plan Phase 2
Hello! Welcome to the Monroe County Communitywide Climate Action Plan (CAP) Ideas Wall.
In 2022, Monroe County completed Phase I of the CAP. The purpose of this phase was to identify and prioritize goals, strategies and initiatives that will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from County-owned sites, facilities, and operations. Monroe County continues to work toward creating resilient and sustainable communities across the region, and as such, is now kicking off the Phase II CAP. Phase II will be communitywide, and its focus will be broadened to GHG emission sources throughout the county – including housing, private industry operations, transportation infrastructure, etc.
We want your feedback! Please leave comments on the focus areas, sharing any ideas, concerns, feedback, or strategies you want to see implemented in relation to reducing GHG emissions across the County.
Comments can be added by selecting an icon above the Wall and filling out the comment box that pops up. Notice there are a few different types of icons for you to pick from - select the icon with the focus area that best fits the comment you want to leave. More information about each topic can be found in the popup box once an icon is clicked. You can add more than one comment and can comment on more than one focus area!
NOTE: There may be up to a 24-hour delay in posting comments with links or emails as they require review and approval for security purposes. If you do not see your post within 24 hours, please contact kplayford@bergmannpc.com.
General Comments
If you have a general comment or aren't sure what focus area to comment under, visit the project website and submit your comment via the Contact Form. We look forward to hearing from you!